I Know I Don't Know
Are we content not knowing? Or not understanding? Psalm 139 was read and discussed in Bible class last night and sparked thought provoking dialogue.
Verse 5 - "You hem me in, behind and before..." Is God both ahead of us and behind us? Does that mean he has foreknowledge of what we will do tomorrow?
Verse 4 - "Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely, O LORD."
Questions last night concerned God's knowledge of our future. If God knows our future and He knows if we will choose to walk with Him or reject Him, then what are the implications? Could God change our destiny? Should He?
Here are my thoughts:
Time is a dimension created by God. I believe He is able to see the entire scope of "Time" from beginning to end. We know when "Time" began; only God knows when it will end." Verses 1-3 indicate God sees all we do. Does that mean all we do in this instant, this tiny particle of the vast bubble called "Time?"
I believe God sees all we do every second -- at once. (Using the word "once" diminishes God's timeless outlook, but our words with their contraints are all we have to work with). To God, perhaps seeing what we're doing this second and what we're doing three years ago, two days from now, and a year from now are all the same view - no different from one another. It's the quintessential "big picture" and only God has it. We're limited by "now" and memories from the past - God does not have these limits.
And because God can see everything all at once does not mean He is orchestrating it. Only by having free will do we choose to worship and please God. Robotic disciples are not what He had in mind.
I don't know about you, but my mind is limited and I cannot completely fathom "timeless" or "endless." I know these are God's qualities because He tells us so. I am content to believe and stand in awe at His marvelous presence.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
Please comment - I would love to know your thoughts.
1 comment:
Yes and Amen! Faith requires unanswered questions and I have many in that, I know that I don't know much. What I do know only scratches the surface, I'm sure. But, as the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 2:2: "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Really, that's what I want, too...just to know Jesus. That's enough for me :) Whatever else God may want me to know, He'll teach me at the right time. Until then, I will seek Him continually! He's so awesome!
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